Spread Enthusiasm to Grow Your Business
To make your customers enthusiastic about your product, your must be 101% enthusiastic about your product. When presenting before your customer, forget about everything else.
To make your customers enthusiastic about your product, your must be 101% enthusiastic about your product. When presenting before your customer, forget about everything else.
You do not have to do all things. You do not have even to do more things than others. You only need to do great things. You do one great thing at a time
If you were to change the world, would you be willing to live in that world? Would still push for it if you were the follower and not the leader? My mentor Vic told me that I should not deliver a speech or offer a
How old are you now? Do you think that you still have fifty, forty, thirty, twenty, ten, or five years to live? Do you think you’ll get to 100 years old – and get 100,000 pesos from the government?
I hope to live until I am 100. I hope to live healthy, strong and evergreen. I hope to live wealthy and wise each day of my life for so many years that there is no time to get tired of living.
An excellent professional make his own luck. Look around and ahead to the unexpected things you can do without waiting to be told. Opportunity sometimes walk in mini-skirts. Sometimes, it walks in blue jeans. Always look out for opportunities. Many professionals wait for good things
Leaders can increase his impact by becoming a master presenter. Yes, some great leaders aren’t great presenters — just as some great presenters aren’t great leaders. What I believe is that mastering some principles and practices in great presentations may amplify your impact as a leader.
7 Powerful Presentation Strategies of Master Presenters Read More »
Inspirational speaking begins with an attitude of gratitude.
The inspirational speakers see miracles, which though obvious and experienced everyday, people do not see.
Appreciative leaders inspire hope that the vision will be realized.
Without hope, there will be no enthusiasm, no energy, no commitment, and no persistence. An appreciative leader is a dealer of hope.
Appreciative Leadership Brings Out the Best in People Read More »
I believe that you and I deserve the best in the world.
We do not have to wait for others. We do not have to wait until we are ready. Waiting wastes time. I am not happy with the status quo — and I believe most of us are not happy too.
Do not craft a speech — or hold an event — if you do not know how it can change the lives of those people who are attending.
You do not have to serve the need of everyone, but there is always a starving crowd which you can feed. Feed your crowd, not your ego.
The traditional idea made us believe that to be a leader is to be the boss.
We are the first movers, and all the rest follows us.
Not everyone who will introduce you know how to introduce a speaker. You can help the organizers to present you well you to your audience by writing a good introduction. There are those who will steal the thunder away from you. This is the opportunity
When I was young, most of my teachers made us students memorize trivial information. I topped quiz bees because I could remember most information we were asked to memorize. I found that my nephews are still required to memorize information they do not understand. I
Our training beliefs determine how we grow. There are those who believe that training programs are multipliers of skills and accelerators of progress.
Good leaders desire a better world for all. But we cannot wait for good leaders to appear. We must strive to become good leaders - and help those around us become good leaders.
Discover ideas, tips, strategies, and tools to engage employees, build teams, train leaders, wow customers, and grow your business.