Take Your Team to the Next Level—Play your A-Game

Motivate employees, build unstoppable teams, and coach leaders who own results.

Over 600,000 managers have mastered the tiny moves that lead to massive outcomes. Through my speeches, workshops, and the 10x Tribe, they’ve learned to think bigger, act bolder, and consistently play at their A-game.

Forget the fluff. It’s time to focus on what truly works—because when your team plays their best, there’s no limit to what they can achieve.

Take Your Team to the Next Level—Play your A-Game

Motivate employees, build unstoppable teams, and coach leaders who own results.

Over 600,000 managers have mastered the tiny moves that lead to massive outcomes. Through my speeches, workshops, and the 10x Tribe, they’ve learned to think bigger, act bolder, and consistently play at their A-game.

Forget the fluff. It’s time to focus on what truly works—because when your team plays their best, there’s no limit to what they can achieve.

Most leaders don’t even realize they’re in a game.

They show up, do the work, keep things running. But here’s the truth: if you’re playing the Conventional Game, you’re stuck. It’s safe, predictable, comfortable. And guess what? So is your team. No real risks, no real progress. Everyone’s just checking the boxes, doing what’s required. But deep down, it feels empty. This isn’t what leadership is supposed to be.

Now, there’s the Brave Game. This is where things start to shift. You get bold. You stop playing small. Suddenly, there’s life in the room. Your team starts taking risks. Ideas are flowing. Progress is made. There’s a hunger for more. It’s exciting, but not enough.

Then there’s the Awesome Game. This is where the magic happens. It’s where leaders turn the ordinary into extraordinary. Problems aren’t just handled—they’re crushed. Challenges become fuel. The team? All in. They’re not just doing the work—they’re owning it. There’s an energy, a confidence, a swagger. Suddenly, you’re not just hitting goals, you’re smashing them. The whole team is playing at their peak, and it shows in every single result.

What game are you playing right now? And are you ready to step up to the Awesome Game?

Motivating Employees: Why Most Strategies Fall Flat

Let’s get real. Most companies try to motivate employees with the same old tricks—bonuses, pizza parties, a pat on the back. You know the drill.

Does it work? Kind of. It’s enough to keep the wheels turning. But if we’re honest, it’s survival mode stuff. People show up, do the job, go home. No fire, no passion, just getting through the day. Why? Because the motivation is external—focused on what they get, not on who they become.

The Difference Between Survival and Thriving

Here’s the kicker: most people are motivated to survive, not to thrive. They’ll meet deadlines, they’ll do enough to get by. But playing the A-game? That’s a whole different story. That’s where the magic happens.

Survival looks like this:

  • “I’ll do just enough to get that bonus.”
  • “I’ll hit my target so I don’t get in trouble.”
  • “I’ll work hard because I need the paycheck.”

Now, don’t get me wrong. External motivation works—up to a point. But what happens when it runs dry? People lose steam, creativity drops, and performance flatlines. The motivation isn’t from within. It’s borrowed—and borrowed motivation doesn’t last.

The A-Game Changes Everything

But when you motivate people to play their A-game, you tap into something far more powerful. This isn’t about chasing carrots or avoiding sticks. It’s about inspiring them to become the best version of themselves.

It’s a shift from doing just enough to get by, to doing whatever it takes to excel. They move from survival mode to growth mode. Suddenly, they’re not just working for the bonus—they’re working to win.

Here’s what playing the A-game looks like:

  • “I’m going to own this project and make it the best it can be.”
  • “I’ll push beyond the target because I’m capable of more.”
  • “I’m here to grow, to lead, to crush it—not just for a paycheck.”

This kind of motivation? It’s internal. It’s a fire that keeps burning. When people see the bigger picture, when they’re motivated to play their A-game, they don’t just perform—they transform.

Momentum and the Power of the A-Game

Playing the A-game doesn’t just motivate. It creates momentum. The kind that builds day after day, project after project. And before you know it, you’ve got a team that’s not just motivated—they’re unstoppable.

Want to learn how to shift your team from just surviving to thriving? Want to ignite that internal drive and watch your team soar?

It’s time to stop pushing. Start lifting your team into greatness.

Guides & Tools

Unleash your potential. Dive into our curated guides on leadership, personal development, and motivation, designed to give you a sharper edge in life and business. Whether you’re leading teams or mastering yourself, these resources fuel growth.

Ready to inspire? Discover public speaking tips that captivate any audience. Master the art of influence with confidence and clarity.

Each guide is packed with practical tools. Take action today.

Lead boldly. Motivate deeply. Transform continuously.

Build Teams That Play Big

Why settle for average when your team can think big and play bigger? The difference between mediocrity and greatness lies in mindset.

Helping teams think big sparks innovation. It drives creativity, pushing beyond limits. Suddenly, impossible becomes possible, and solutions emerge from unexpected places.

When your team plays bigger, they don’t just show up—they lead. They take bold action, owning their results and pushing each other to new heights.

Big thinkers challenge the status quo. They break down walls, creating opportunities where others see roadblocks. That’s where breakthroughs happen.

And it’s contagious. When one person starts thinking bigger, the entire team shifts. The energy multiplies, the confidence grows, and everyone levels up.

Why? Because playing small doesn’t win championships. Big thinking does.

Unleash that potential. Help your team think bigger, play bolder, and create remarkable results.

Looking for a team-building facilitator? We can help you design and facilitate your next team building.


Every month, around 300,000 people across the globe dive into my articles on leadership, personal development, public speaking, and workplace success.

Find the ones that speak to you. Read them. Try things out. Take the tools and make them your own. Improve on the ideas.

Got questions? Join the conversation. Let’s learn together.

I help people-first organizations build leaders.

Since 2007, I have worked with hundreds of organizations in the Philippines and abroad.

These are government leaders, multinational companies, small businesses, local governments, government agencies, and non-government organizations.

I partner with leaders that value people development and nation-building.

Coaching Leaders to Play Their A-Game

Let’s be real: leading isn’t just about showing up. It’s about showing up at your best—day in and day out. That’s what playing your A-Game means. And that’s where I come in.

I coach leaders to unlock their full potential. It’s not about working harder or adding more to your plate. It’s about focusing on the things that actually move the needle. It’s about making every minute count and playing to win.

Here’s the truth: most people spend their time playing their B- or C-Game. They’re busy, but they’re not making progress. They’re working hard, but not on the right things. That’s where we need to change the game.

If you’re ready to break out of that cycle, here’s what we’re going to focus on:

1. Simplify to Multiply

The more you try to juggle, the less you actually achieve. I coach leaders on how to simplify their approach. Strip away the noise and focus on what matters most. When you simplify, you multiply results.

2. Work with Multipliers

Not all work is created equal. Some projects, people, and strategies make everything else easier. I’ll show you how to identify these multipliers and use them to accelerate your progress. It’s about working smarter, not harder.

3. Think Bigger—10x

Stop thinking in small steps. Start thinking in leaps. If you’re only aiming for 10% improvement, you’re missing the bigger picture. I coach leaders to think 10x—to aim for exponential growth. It forces you to rethink everything and get creative with your approach.

This is the journey I want you to take. Playing your A-Game isn’t about doing more; it’s about doing better. It’s about getting clear on your priorities, working with the right people, and chasing big results.

So, let’s start. Explore the articles, join the workshops, dive into the resources. Your A-Game is waiting—let’s play it together.


I love sharing actionable ideas that empower leaders to become more effective, build strong teams, and multiply their results. These videos are crafted to provide practical strategies and insights that can be immediately implemented in your leadership journey.

My goal is to help you develop as a leader and to provide tools that you can share with managers, supervisors, and your staff. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and drive remarkable outcomes in your organization.

Jef Menguin

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