We have the capacity to increase our value tenfold, a hundredfold, thousandfold. There are many huge opportunities before us. Possibilities are bigger and easier to attain than we imagine.
Many organizations that rely on classroom training will have 90 percent of their time, money, and opportunities wasted. The truth is that you can turn experiences into learning experiences. You can multiply your results and bring your company to where you want it to be.
People can learn deliberately through online courses, live workshops, boot camps, and coaching sessions that I can co-design with you.

My 3 Big Steps in Achieving Personal Development
But when you commit to moving from zero to hero, you challenge the status quo. You are claiming a new reality and a new future. At that very moment, you stop being ordinary. In the eyes of others, you become stupid, impractical, and unreasonable. You are biting more than you can chew.
Think differently.
I speak about value creation, multipliers, and innovation these days. So it has become my mission to show good leaders what they can do to multiply their value, create new experiences for their customers, and engage intrapreneurs.
But I was not always like this.
My readers learned how I started my career as a professional speaker. First, I was thinking and playing small. Second, I was playing the humility card. I did not want to become an imposter.
In truth, I was afraid to play big because being big was alien to me.
Like other teachers and corporate trainers, I used experiential activities, so my students won’t get bored. My focus was on providing excellent instruction.
I was good at training people. But deep inside, I knew something important was missing.
When I started studying innovation and UX, I learned how to design learning experiences that help organizations turn employees into leaders who can make a company the first in its category. Instead of giving instruction and covering topics, my focus shifted to creating solutions and discovering new possibilities.
There was no school and no certification body which could help me do this.
My clients became my teachers.
I paid attention to their challenges — and made their challenges mine.
I embraced the fixed mindset of the people around me while growing up. I was not even aware of it. So I chose a growth mindset to play bigger.
Reading the book The Magic of Thinking Big did not change me much, but it stimulated my imagination. So I started to think bigger.
Thinking bigger inspires me. Playing bigger turns inspiration into reality.
Choose experiences that will make you think of new possibilities and immediately create changes in your leadership, your business, and your life.