Jef Menguin

How One Simple Shift Can Lead to Bigger Things

You want more.

More impact. More fulfillment. More than just coasting through your days, wondering if you’re really playing big enough. You’re hustling, putting in the hours, doing everything you’ve been told works—but somehow, the results just aren’t there.

And you can’t help but ask yourself: Why? What am I missing?

You’ve read the books. You’ve attended the seminars. Listened to the advice of people who’ve “made it.” And yet, here you are, feeling like you’re stuck in the same place, spinning your wheels.

I get it. I’ve been there.

In 2004, I left my safe job in the academe. A job that guaranteed a salary on the 15th and 30th of every month. Stability. Comfort. The kind of job most people never leave. But I wanted to be a professional speaker, so I took the leap.

I hustled—just like you are now. I read every book. I joined Toastmasters, sent out letters offering my speaking services for free. I delivered speeches at Rotary clubs, Toastmasters meetings—five times a week. I thought I was doing everything right, following Tony Robbins’ advice to take “massive action.”

Nothing changed.

I was working harder, but I wasn’t getting any further. It felt like I was running in place.

Maybe that’s where you are now. Working hard, but still standing still.

Here’s where everything shifted for me.

I met Vic Santiago. He taught me something most people never realize: Playing your best doesn’t mean working harder. It means playing bigger. It means delivering real value—offering solutions to the problems that matter most.

And then Vic said something that flipped my perspective. He told me to raise my fees from 3,000 pesos per day to 60,000.

I thought he was crazy.

But he said, “If you make what you offer return 10x, 100x the value for your clients, they’ll see whatever they paid as a small price.”

Two years later, a client paid me 250,000 pesos for a single engagement. That was my turning point.

But here’s the real truth:
Even knowing this, it wasn’t easy. Because the biggest obstacle we face isn’t out there. It’s inside. After years of thinking small, it’s hard to step into your worth. Resistance is real—and it’s internal.

There are still times when I feel like playing it safe. I’ve avoided big projects because of imposter syndrome, that nagging feeling that I’m not good enough.

Yes, even after inspiring thousands of people to think bigger, there are days I stay in my corner, feeling small. I’m an introvert. I don’t always feel comfortable being in the spotlight.

But here’s the thing: My best thinking happens when I’m with people. My best ideas come when I’m helping others solve their problems. I’ve come to realize that I’m a simplifier. I have a gift for making complex situations simple. That’s my gift.

And it would be a pity if I didn’t share that gift with the world.

So, how do you get past that? How do you play your best, even when something inside is holding you back?

Here’s what I’ve learned, and here’s what you can do:

1. Focus on delivering value.
It’s not about working harder. It’s about solving the right problems. Ask yourself: How can I make what I do worth more? How can I ensure that whatever someone pays, they get 10x, 100x in return?

2. Stop bargaining against yourself.
You know what you’re worth. Charge it. When you deliver real value, people will pay for it. Stop settling for less just because it feels “safe.”

3. Push through resistance.
Some days, you won’t feel like giving your best. Do it anyway. Resistance is that old voice, trying to keep you playing small. Every time you push through, you’re breaking old habits and building new ones.

Here’s what I know for sure:
Life is a roller coaster. There will be highs, and there will be lows. But every time you hit a low, you can start again. And every time you bounce back, you bounce higher.

That’s what playing your best every day does for you.

The only thing standing between you and the life you want is the version of you that still thinks small. Let that go.

Trust me—puwede yun.

Do You Want to Play Your A-Game?

Getting paid 250,000 pesos for a single speaking engagement was a turning point for me.

Not because of the money—but because of what it represented. It was my clue to something bigger. My A-game. I realized that playing small wasn’t just about earning less or staying comfortable—it was about limiting myself and the value I could bring to others.

Since that day, my mission has been clear. I’m working on my A-game every single day. It’s not just about doing better work—it’s about doing the right work, the kind that brings maximum results for everyone involved. I share this in every speaking engagement, webinar, and workshop I deliver.

Do you want to play your A-game?

Most people think they’re playing their best when they’re giving 100% of their effort. And that’s important, but effort isn’t everything.

Playing your A-game is about something more. It’s about focusing on the strategic, high-impact work that brings you 100x results.

So, what does playing your A-game actually mean?

It’s simple:

  • It’s the kind of work that takes you beyond what you thought was possible.
  • It’s not just about working hard—it’s about knowing where to put that energy.
  • It’s about solving problems in ways that truly move the needle.

Most people stay stuck in their C-game—the day-to-day grind of routine tasks that don’t really make a difference. Or they move into their B-game—work that feels productive and gives good results but isn’t pushing the boundaries. The A-game is where the magic happens. It’s when you identify the key actions that lead to exponential results—not just for you, but for the people you serve.

But playing your A-game isn’t easy.

It requires you to let go of old habits. It requires you to push through self-doubt and imposter syndrome. It’s uncomfortable because it forces you to think bigger than you ever have before. And sometimes, it means taking risks that scare you.

I’m not going to sugarcoat it—it’s a challenge. Even today, there are moments where I find myself wanting to slip back into familiar territory, playing safe. But here’s the thing: the more you commit to playing your A-game, the more natural it becomes. You stop settling for less because you know what’s possible.

Ready to start playing bigger?

If you’re tired of coasting, if you know you’re capable of more, then it’s time to step into your A-game.

To help you get started, I’ve put together a short article called “Why Play Your A-Game?” It’s a quick read, but it might just shift how you approach your work—and your life.

Because here’s the truth: you’re capable of more than you think. You just need to stop playing small.

Download “Why Play Your A-Game? now and take the first step toward playing your best, every single day.

How can I help you?

So, now you know where I came from. You know what it feels like to be stuck in the grind, playing the C-Game, and hoping for things to change.

But here’s the thing—I didn’t just break out of that cycle for myself. I made it my mission to help others do the same.

And that’s where you come in.

Whether you’re a business owner, a manager, a supervisor, a trainer, or a speaker, I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to stay stuck in the C-Game. You don’t have to settle for incremental progress.

You can play your A-Game. And I’m here to help you do just that.

What can I do for you?

For business owners:

  • You’re running the show. You’re leading the charge. But sometimes, you’re still trapped in the day-to-day grind—caught up in tasks that aren’t driving the business forward. I can help you shift your focus to the 10X opportunities that will grow your business faster and smarter.
  • My speaking topics and workshops for business owners focus on identifying high-impact strategies that deliver exponential growth, without getting bogged down in low-level tasks.
  • You’ll leave with a clear plan to elevate your business, lead with vision, and make the moves that will have the biggest impact.

For managers and supervisors:

  • You’re leading teams. You’re in charge of results. But too often, you’re drowning in admin, juggling responsibilities, and trying to keep everyone afloat.
  • I’ll teach you how to lead from the A-Game, focusing your energy on initiatives that make your teams more efficient, more innovative, and more engaged. My workshops will help you cut through the noise, streamline your leadership, and become the kind of manager that drives breakthrough results.
  • You’ll discover how to empower your teams to focus on what matters, so you’re not the one carrying the weight of everything.

For trainers and speakers:

  • You’ve got a message. You’re out there delivering value to your audience. But are you playing your A-Game when it comes to growth?
  • I help trainers and speakers identify the high-impact actions that will 100X their reach, allowing you to move beyond one-off gigs and create sustainable impact through repeat business, signature programs, and thought leadership.
  • In my workshops and speaking engagements, we’ll dive deep into how you can scale your influence, grow your brand, and build a platform that creates ongoing results—for both you and your audience.

What makes my approach different?

I don’t just offer generic advice. I don’t do fluff. Everything I bring to the table is actionable, high-leverage, and designed for real results.

Here’s what you can expect when we work together:

Workshops: Whether it’s a one-day deep dive or a series of sessions, my workshops focus on helping you or your team unlock A-Game strategies. We go beyond productivity hacks—I help you implement the moves that will transform the way you work and lead to exponential outcomes.

Speaking engagements: As a keynote speaker, I bring energy, practical insights, and real-world strategies that leave audiences ready to take action. My topics are designed for professionals and leaders who are ready to stop playing small and start playing at the highest level possible. If you’re looking to inspire your team, organization, or event attendees to level up, I’m here to deliver.

Partnerships and collaboration: I believe in the power of collaboration. Whether you’re looking to co-create a program, design a new workshop, or partner on something bigger, I’m open to exploring how we can work together to multiply our impact. When you combine your expertise with my A-Game approach, we can create something that’s truly game-changing.

Why me?

I’ve been in your shoes. I know what it feels like to be doing all the right things but still not getting the big results. I’ve spent years refining the strategies that have helped countless professionals break out of the grind and start playing their A-Game.

It’s not just about doing better. It’s about thinking bigger.

So, if you’re ready to stop playing small—if you’re ready to stop following the crowd and start leading with bold, game-changing moves—let’s talk.

I’m here to help you find the 10X and 100X opportunities that will completely shift the way you work, lead, and succeed.

Let’s collaborate.

Whether it’s through my speaking, my workshops, or a deeper partnership, I’m ready to help you unlock the full potential of your A-Game.

The question is, are you ready?

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