Find Your Voice: Different Types of Public Speakers

You can be the public speaker that you want to be. Let your voice be heard and share your gifts to humanity. You don’t have to bring your ideas to the grave. You have ideas worth sharing.

Think about the treasure of experiences, knowledge, and insights you carry within you. Sharing these gems can enlighten, inspire, and uplift many.

Yet, quite often, we hold back.

The good news is, everyone can be a public speaker in their unique way. In this article, I will explore the 30 different types of public speakers which you may put into five different categories. I will start first with the five categories, then I will provide a short description of each 30 different types. May this information expand your awareness and encourage you to become the public speaker you want to be.

Different Types of Speakers

With various speaker types to fit different personalities and styles, there’s room for all of us. So, let’s dive in and find your perfect fit.

resource speaker

Educational Speakers

Educational speakers are like your favorite teachers who fill you with fascinating facts and invaluable life skills. In the Philippines, they are often called resource speakers. Resource speakers talks about many topics and the purpose is often to provide information to a group of people. They are deemed “experts” in the topics they deliver.

Educational speakers provide a platform for the dissemination of critical information, which helps us learn and grow. They break down complex topics into digestible chunks, enabling us to understand subjects we might otherwise find daunting. And by sharing knowledge, they foster personal and professional growth.

Aspiring to become an educational speaker?

Start by mastering a subject you are passionate about. Learn to translate complex jargon into simple, understandable language. Lastly, patience and clarity are your best friends. The objective is to educate, not confuse.

Consider a manager training her team on project management. She explains complex concepts in a way that even a novice can grasp. This is educational speaking in a professional setting.


Entertaining Speakers

Entertaining speakers make us laugh, touch our hearts, and lighten our spirits.

Their importance lies in three key areas. They offer us a respite from our daily routines, making us laugh, and enabling us to relax. They often weave important messages into their stories, which we’re more likely to remember because of the enjoyment we associate with them. Finally, they create memorable experiences that can bond groups and individuals.

Want to be an entertaining speaker?

Develop your storytelling skills. Perfect your comic timing and delivery. Most importantly, create a unique style that is true to you.

Imagine an HR officer delivering a speech at a company event. He uses humor and engaging stories to convey the importance of work-life balance. He has successfully taken on the role of an entertaining speaker.

persuasive speaker

Persuasive Speakers

Persuasive speakers inspire us to see things differently. They change our minds, sway our opinions, and compel us to take action.

Why are they important? They’re the catalysts for change, driving us to take action where we might have previously been hesitant. They expose us to fresh perspectives, enriching our understanding of the world. And, by arguing convincingly, they guide us to make informed decisions.

Becoming a persuasive speaker involves mastering the art of argument and reasoning. Understand your audience and their needs. Be sincere and passionate about your cause – authenticity can’t be faked.

Take a project leader who persuades his team to try a new project management tool. He presents convincing arguments on how the tool will make their work easier and more efficient. He’s a persuasive speaker in action.

motivational speaker

Motivational Speakers

Motivational speakers are the cheerleaders of the public speaking world. They inspire us to achieve more and reach for our potential.

They are important because they boost our morale and self-confidence. They provide practical strategies to overcome life’s challenges. And, through their inspiring words, they propel us towards our goals.

To be a motivational speaker, be prepared to share your personal triumphs and failures. Use these stories to inspire resilience and optimism. Motivate your audience to take action.

Consider a CEO who shares her journey of starting from scratch to running a successful company. Her speech inspires employees to innovate and excel in their work. She has embraced the role of a motivational speaker.

inspirational speaker

Inspirational Speakers

Finally, we have inspirational speakers. They strike a deep chord within us, sparking introspection and profound change.

Inspirational speakers are significant for several reasons. They stimulate thought and reflection, leading us to reevaluate our beliefs and actions. They inspire us to become better versions of ourselves. Most importantly, they sow seeds of transformation that can lead to lasting change.

To become an inspirational speaker, let your heart guide your words. Share personal narratives that resonate with universal human experiences. Strive to establish a deep emotional connection with your audience.

Imagine a colleague sharing his story of overcoming adversity at a team-building event. His speech moves the team, inspiring them to face their own challenges with newfound courage. He’s an inspirational speaker in action.

Below is an example of a motivational speaker. Eric provides plenty of information, but his mission is to motivate people to become master speakers.

Types of Speakers Based on Topics

These days, speakers categorize themselves beyond the five types I have given you. Perhaps, there are hundreds of them for speakers who tend to create their own brands and give themselves titles. Their titles become their USPs. Of course, the speeches they deliver can be categorized into educational, entertaining, persuasive, motivational, and inspiring.

  1. Business Speakers: Share insights about entrepreneurship, management, and business strategies.
  2. Technology Speakers: Discuss advancements and trends in tech, such as AI, data science, and cybersecurity.
  3. Health and Wellness Speakers: Address topics related to physical health, mental health, fitness, and nutrition.
  4. Financial Speakers: Teach audiences about personal finance, investing, and economic trends.
  5. Environmental Speakers: Discuss climate change, conservation, and other environmental issues.
  6. Motivational Speakers: Inspire audiences to reach their goals and overcome challenges.
  7. Inspirational Speakers: Share personal stories to touch hearts and motivate change.
  8. Leadership Speakers: Provide advice and insight on effective leadership and team management.
  9. Science Speakers: Discuss various scientific topics, discoveries, and theories.
  10. Educational Speakers: Teach about various topics, often related to learning and development.
  11. Political Speakers: Discuss political scenarios, public policy, and civic engagement.
  12. Cultural Speakers: Speak about different cultures, diversity, and inclusion.
  13. Sports Speakers: Discuss topics related to sports, athletics, and team spirit.
  14. Celebrity Speakers: Famous personalities who share their experiences and lessons.
  15. Art and Design Speakers: Discuss visual art, architecture, graphic design, and other artistic fields.
  16. Spiritual Speakers: Share messages about faith, spirituality, and religious beliefs.
  17. Adventure Speakers: Share thrilling stories about travel and adventure.
  18. Self-Improvement Speakers: Teach audiences how to improve skills and personal characteristics.
  19. Law and Ethics Speakers: Discuss legal matters, ethical dilemmas, and social justice issues.
  20. Relationship Speakers: Offer advice on improving personal and professional relationships.
  21. Marketing and Sales Speakers: Share strategies and trends related to marketing and sales.
  22. Lifestyle Speakers: Discuss topics like fashion, home decor, and everyday lifestyle.
  23. Social Media Speakers: Discuss strategies for using social media for business or personal branding.
  24. Historical Speakers: Talk about historical events, figures, and eras.
  25. Food and Beverage Speakers: Discuss topics related to cooking, dining, and the food industry.
  26. Productivity Speakers: Teach strategies for increasing efficiency and productivity.
  27. Innovation Speakers: Talk about innovative thinking, creativity, and breakthrough ideas.
  28. Gender and Sexuality Speakers: Discuss issues related to gender, feminism, LGBTQ+ rights.
  29. Human Resources Speakers: Discuss employee engagement, workplace culture, and talent management.
  30. Philanthropy Speakers: Discuss charitable giving, community service, and social impact.

Below is an example of an educational speaker.


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We need more public speakers. We need more voices willing to educate, entertain, persuade, motivate, and inspire. Remember, public speaking is not confined to a specific mold. Each type of speaker has its unique charm and value.

There’s an untapped well of potential within each of us, waiting to be discovered. Your voice has the power to create change, spark innovation, and inspire others. Public speaking up can be a transformative act, not just for you, but for those who hear your message.

The world is waiting for speakers who are ready to make it a better place. The question is, are you ready to find your voice and share your wisdom? It’s time to step up, grab the microphone, and let your voice be heard.

If you are looking for ways to develop your speaking skills, go to public speaking courses in the Philippines.

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