Resource Speaker: How to Find the Extraordinary

A resource speaker is an expert who shares knowledge and experiences at conferences, seminars, workshops, and other learning sessions. Resource speakers help educate, inspire, and engage the audience on a specific topic. Choosing the right resource speakers can make your event memorable and impactful.

Picking the right resource speakers is crucial because they can motivate your audience and provide valuable insights. A good resource speaker can align their message with your event’s goals, ensuring it resonates with the attendees.

An good resource speaker can move them to action. This leads to a more remarkable event and delighted participants.

In this guide, we’ll explore how to find the right resource speaker for your event.

The Extraordinary Resource Speaker

Choosing the wrong resource speaker can ruin an event and leave the audience dissatisfied. I have observed that many resource speakers accept every speaking assignment even if they lack experience and expertise on the subject. This often leads to irrelevant or ineffective presentations that do not meet the audience’s needs.

For example, I once saw a speaker who talked about presentation skills. Instead of sharing her own insights, 80 percent of her presentation was showing YouTube videos on how to make great presentations. The audience expected practical tips and personal experiences, but they got a series of videos they could have watched at home.

In another instance, a very funny speaker was hired to talk about HR leadership. Since his background was more in TV comedy, he delivered a scripted talk filled with jokes. While everyone laughed, the audience left without learning anything about HR or people management. The speaker’s lack of relevant experience resulted in a wasted 45-minute session.

Another event featured a tech expert who was supposed to discuss cybersecurity. However, he spent most of his time talking about general technology trends. The audience, hoping to learn specific strategies to protect their data, felt let down by the lack of focused content.

These are ordinary speakers.

These examples show how important it is to choose a speaker who truly fits the topic and audience. A speaker’s ability to connect with the audience on a relevant subject can make or break an event. An excellent resource speaker provides valuable insights, practical advice, and engages the audience in meaningful ways.

A well-chosen speaker can enhance the event’s value, leaving a lasting impression on the audience. They can motivate, inform, and provide actionable insights, making the event memorable. Their expertise and ability to share relevant experiences ensure that the audience walks away with new knowledge and inspiration.

The right speaker also aligns with the event’s theme, objectives, and audience expectations, ensuring relevance and engagement. This alignment helps in delivering the desired message effectively, making sure that the content resonates with the audience.

An engaging speaker can keep the audience interested, encourage participation, and provide a meaningful experience. This leads to higher satisfaction and a more successful event overall.

Look for the extraordinary speaker. I will show you how.

public speaker

Understand Your Event Needs

Before you start looking for a resource speaker, it’s crucial to understand your event needs. This step ensures you find someone who aligns with your goals, connects with your audience, and fits within your budget. Let’s break it down:

Define Your Objectives

First, clarify what you want to achieve with your event. Are you aiming to educate, motivate, or entertain your audience? This is your agenda.

For example, if your goal is to educate, you’ll need a speaker who is knowledgeable and can share practical insights. You are not looking for a lecturer who thinks of your audiences as students.

If you’re looking to motivate, find someone who can inspire and energize the crowd. But avoid those who only want to have downlines for their MLM business.

Think about the desired outcomes for your audience. Do you want them to learn new skills, gain insights, or feel inspired? For instance, if you’re hosting a leadership workshop, your goal might be for attendees to leave with actionable strategies for leading their teams. This is your audience’s agenda.

Defining these outcomes helps you select a speaker who can deliver exactly what you need.

Audience Analysis

Next, understand who your audience is. What are their demographics, knowledge levels, and interests? For example, if your audience consists of young professionals, they might appreciate a speaker who is dynamic and tech-savvy.

On the other hand, a group of experienced managers might prefer someone with deep industry knowledge and practical experience.

Tailor the speaker’s message to your audience’s needs. A good speaker can adjust their content to be relevant and engaging. Ordinary speakers have canned speeches they deliver to any group. Extraordinary speakers deliver speeches that solves problems.

For instance, a tech conference might benefit from a speaker who can dive deep into the latest industry trends, while a motivational seminar might need someone who can tell inspiring stories and encourage audience participation.

Budget Considerations

Determine your budget for the speaker, considering all potential costs. For example, if you have a tight budget, you might look for local speakers to save on travel and accommodation expenses.

On the other hand, if your budget allows, you could bring in a high-profile speaker who can draw a larger audience.

Allocate your funds wisely. It’s important to balance quality and cost-effectiveness. Investing in a high-quality speaker can significantly enhance your event’s success. For example, spending a bit more on a speaker who is a perfect fit can lead to higher audience satisfaction and a more memorable event.

This preparation ensures your event is impactful and successful.

resource speaker

Research Potential Speakers

Once you understand your event needs, it’s time to start researching potential speakers.

Finding the extraordinary speaker can make a big difference, so let’s look at where to start and how to evaluate your options.

A. Sources of Information

Speaker Bureaus and Agencies

These organizations are great places to start. They have lists of reputable speakers with proven track records. For example, if you’re looking for a speaker on leadership, a speaker bureau can connect you with experts who have a history of successful engagements.

Professional Associations and Industry Groups

Use networks related to your event’s topic. For instance, if your event is about healthcare, professional associations can recommend speakers who are recognized by their peers. This way, you’re more likely to find someone who is both knowledgeable and respected in their field.

Online Platforms and Directories

Don’t underestimate the power of the internet. Platforms like LinkedIn, YouTube, and specialized directories are treasure troves of potential speakers.

For example, you can watch a speaker’s past presentations on YouTube to get a sense of their style and effectiveness. LinkedIn can provide you with their professional background and endorsements from others in the industry.

B. Evaluating Speaker Profiles

Review Biographies and Career Highlights

Take the time to read through a speaker’s biography and career highlights. This will help you understand their expertise and experience.

For instance, if you need a speaker on digital marketing, look for someone who has not only worked in the field but also published articles or led workshops on the subject.

Or get someone who earned 100 million pesos through digital marketing.

Watch Videos of Past Speaking Engagements

Watching videos is one of the best ways to assess a speaker’s style and effectiveness. For example, if you find a potential speaker on YouTube, watch how they engage with the audience, handle questions, and present their material.

This can give you a good idea of whether they’ll be a good fit for your event.

(Unfortunately, you won’t find my videos online. During the past 20 years, I never had my speeches recorded for YouTube.)

Read Reviews and Testimonials from Previous Clients

Finally, check what others have said about the speaker. Reviews and testimonials from previous clients can give you insights into the speaker’s strengths and weaknesses.

For example, if multiple reviews praise a speaker’s ability to simplify complex topics, that’s a good sign they can make a complicated subject accessible to your audience.

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Assess Resource Speaker Fit

Now that you’ve done your research, it’s time to figure out if the speakers you’ve found are the right fit for your event. Here’s how to make sure you choose someone who will hit the mark.

(If the speaker isn’t the right fit, that speaker is not the extraordinary speaker to your audience).

Relevance to Your Topic

First things first, make sure the speaker’s expertise matches your event’s theme and objectives. For example, if your event is about digital marketing, you’ll want a speaker who has deep knowledge, experience, and success in that field.

Look for someone who has worked in the industry, written about it, or taught it. Their background should align with what you want your audience to learn or experience.

Not every successful person has the ability to share their system or method, so even if someone sold millions through digital marketing, it does not make that person extraordinary.

Also, someone whose success is based on being a social media influencer won’t make one an excellent resource speaker. There is no editing on stage.

Speaking Style and Delivery

Next, consider their speaking style. Different events call for different tones.

If your event is meant to motivate, look for a speaker who can inspire and energize the crowd. For example, a motivational speaker might use personal stories and a passionate delivery to engage the audience.

On the other hand, if your event is more informational, you’ll want someone who is clear and educational.

Watching videos of their past talks can help you see if their style matches what you’re looking for.

Also, think about how they interact with the audience. Do they use storytelling, Q&A sessions, or interactive activities to keep people engaged?

For instance, a great speaker might weave in stories that make the material more relatable and encourage audience participation through questions and discussions. I belong to this category.

Credibility and Reputation

Finally, check their credibility and reputation. Look at their credentials, such as degrees, certifications, and relevant work experience. Publications and awards can also be good indicators of their expertise and respect in the field.

For example, a speaker who has published books or articles in reputable journals likely has valuable insights to share. But be careful. I know of speakers who claimed to be “best-selling authors” but have not sold any single book in bookstores. I recommend buying their book before you hire them.

Don’t forget to assess their reputation within the industry. Peer feedback and client references can give you a clearer picture of their reliability and effectiveness.

If previous clients rave about their ability to connect with an audience and deliver meaningful content, that’s a good sign they’ll be a great fit for your event too.

By focusing on these areas, you can ensure that the speaker you choose will not only be knowledgeable and engaging but also perfectly suited to your event’s specific needs.

This careful assessment will help you create a successful and impactful event.

Make Contact and Screen

Once you’ve found some potential speakers who seem like a good fit, it’s time to reach out and start the screening process. Here’s how to make sure you pick the right one.

Reach Out

Start by preparing a formal request or inquiry. This should detail your event and what you’re looking for in a speaker. Be clear and concise. For example, you might write an email that includes the date, location, audience size, and the topic of your event. This helps the speaker understand what you need and whether they can meet your expectations.

Conduct Interviews

Next, set up interviews with your shortlisted speakers. Prepare questions that will help you assess their fit, expertise, and willingness to tailor their message to your audience. For example, ask them how they would approach your event’s theme and objectives. Discuss customization options to see if they can adapt their presentation to suit your specific needs.

During the interview, pay attention to how they communicate and whether they seem genuinely interested in making your event a success. A good speaker will be eager to understand your goals and share ideas on how they can contribute.

Request References

Don’t forget to ask for references from previous clients. This step is crucial to validate their performance and reliability. When you contact these references, ask for detailed feedback on their experience. For example, you might ask how the speaker engaged the audience, whether they delivered on their promises, and if there were any issues.

Getting honest opinions from past clients can give you a clearer picture of what to expect. If the references are positive and highlight the speaker’s strengths, you can be more confident in your choice.

Finalize the Selection

You’ve found a great speaker and done the initial screening. Now it’s time to finalize the details and make sure everything is set for a successful event.

Negotiate Terms

Start by discussing and agreeing on fees, expenses, and payment terms. It’s important to be clear about these details to avoid any misunderstandings later on. For example, agree on the speaker’s fee, and who will cover travel and accommodation costs. Make sure both parties are comfortable with the payment schedule.

Outline your expectations for travel, accommodations, and other logistics. For instance, if your event requires the speaker to stay overnight, specify the type of accommodation you’ll provide. Clear communication here ensures there are no surprises and helps the speaker prepare properly.

Contract Agreement

Once you’ve agreed on the terms, draft a formal contract. This document should outline all terms and conditions, including deliverables and deadlines. For example, include the date and time of the event, the length of the presentation, and any specific requirements like AV equipment or materials.

Make sure both parties sign the contract to formalize the engagement. This not only protects both sides but also ensures everyone is on the same page regarding what’s expected.

Pre-Event Preparation

Schedule pre-event meetings or calls with the speaker to discuss event details and align expectations. This is your chance to go over the event agenda, audience profile, and any specific requests you have. For example, if you want the speaker to focus on certain topics or include a Q&A session, make sure they know this in advance.

Share as much information as possible about your event. The more the speaker knows, the better they can tailor their presentation to meet your needs.

This preparation helps ensure that the speaker is ready to deliver a talk that resonates with your audience and achieves your event goals.

Ensure a Successful Engagement

Now that everything is set, it’s important to focus on the final steps to ensure the speaker’s engagement is a success. Here’s how to manage coordination, event day logistics, and follow-up.

Coordination and Communication

Maintain regular communication with the speaker in the weeks leading up to the event. This helps address any concerns and ensures they are fully prepared. For example, you might have weekly check-ins to discuss any updates or last-minute changes.

Provide logistical support to make sure all arrangements are in place. This includes confirming travel plans, accommodations, and any specific requirements the speaker might have. Clear and consistent communication helps prevent any last-minute issues and ensures the speaker feels supported.

Event Day Management

On the day of the event, ensure the speaker arrives on time and is comfortable with the venue setup. Greet them personally, if possible, and show them around. Make sure the AV equipment and seating arrangements meet their needs. For example, check that their presentation is properly loaded and that the microphone and other equipment are working perfectly.

Provide any necessary technical support or materials they might need. This could include handouts, a clicker for their slides, or a water bottle. Being attentive to these details helps the speaker deliver their best performance without any hitches.

Post-Event Follow-Up

After the event, collect feedback from the audience and organizers to evaluate the speaker’s impact and effectiveness. This can be done through surveys or informal conversations. Use this feedback to understand what worked well and what could be improved.

Send a thank-you note to the speaker, expressing your appreciation for their contribution. This gesture not only shows your gratitude but also helps build a positive relationship for future collaborations. If the speaker was particularly successful, consider discussing opportunities for future events or recommending them to others.

By ensuring thorough coordination and communication, managing the event day effectively, and following up after the event, you can ensure a successful engagement that benefits both your event and the speaker. This comprehensive approach helps create a positive experience for everyone involved.

Jef Menguin

As a resource speaker, I have equipped thousands of leaders in the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, and Thailand. I provide leaders with actionable ideas, strategies, and tools to build teams and develop leaders.

Find out how you can become a better leader and develop the leaders in your organization. Learn how to equip, encourage, and empower.

Resource Speaker on Leadership, Teamwork, and Service

I was first invited as a resource speaker in 2004. People look for resource speakers like me because I bring expert knowledge, fresh perspectives, and practical skills that can help you succeed.

Back then, I talked all about confident public speaking, helping people feel like superheroes with a microphone.

I believe in lifelong learning.

Since 2004, I have been attending the meetings of Toastmasters International, and I am proud to say that I am a Distinguished Toastmaster. This commitment to continuous improvement helps me bring the best to my programs and ensures that I’m always growing alongside my audience.

Over the years, my topics have expanded, much like how a tree branches out.

Here are some of the engaging and immersive programs I offer:

Leadership That Inspires

In this program, you’ll learn how to guide others and make smart decisions that build trust and respect. We’ll explore the qualities of effective leaders and practice techniques to enhance your leadership skills.

You’ll leave with a clear understanding of how to inspire and motivate your team to achieve their best.

Innovative Thinking for Everyday Challenges

This session is all about sparking new and exciting ideas that drive progress and creativity. We’ll dive into brainstorming methods, problem-solving techniques, and ways to foster a culture of innovation in your workplace.

You’ll gain practical tools to approach challenges with a fresh perspective and come up with innovative solutions.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Discover how to work together effectively to achieve amazing results. In this program, we’ll focus on building strong team dynamics, improving communication, and leveraging the strengths of each team member.

You’ll participate in activities that highlight the importance of collaboration and learn strategies to enhance team performance.

Unlock Your Creative Potential

Explore techniques to think differently and generate innovative solutions. This session will guide you through various creative thinking exercises and help you break free from conventional thought patterns. You’ll learn how to cultivate a creative mindset and apply it to both personal and professional challenges.

Habits of Heroes

Build routines that foster productivity and well-being. We’ll examine the habits and practices of successful individuals and explore ways to integrate them into your daily life.

You’ll develop a personalized plan to establish positive habits that support your goals and enhance your overall quality of life.

Positive Paradigms

Develop a positive attitude that helps you overcome challenges and achieve your goals. This program focuses on cultivating a growth mindset, which is essential for personal and professional development.

You’ll learn strategies to shift your mindset, build resilience, and maintain motivation even in the face of obstacles.

Completed Staff Work

This program is designed to help you master the art of thorough and effective work completion. We’ll cover the principles of completed staff work, emphasizing the importance of delivering fully developed solutions to leaders.

You’ll engage in hands-on exercises that teach you how to analyze problems, develop comprehensive plans, and present your work in a clear and actionable manner.

I love being a resource speaker because I get to help people grow and succeed. But I don’t just lecture; my programs are always immersive and engaging. Each workshop or seminar I lead is a new adventure where we explore, learn, and have fun together.

I design activities that are interactive and hands-on, ensuring that you not only understand the concepts but also know how to apply them.

My mission is not only to inform or motivate you. I want you to walk away with actionable takeaways that you can immediately use.

Whether it’s improving your public speaking, becoming a better leader, or fostering a creative mindset, you’ll have practical tools and strategies to implement right away.

So, if you’re looking to learn something new or improve a skill, I’m here to help. Let’s grow and succeed together!

Reach out.

exciting resource speaker

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