Everyone has a good story to tell.

Have you ever noticed how a good story can make everything more interesting? Whether it’s a tale from your grandma, a scene from your favorite movie, or a friend’s adventure, stories have a way of grabbing our attention and sticking with us.

But what exactly is a story, and why do we find it so captivating?

A story is a narrative that has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Think of it like a journey with characters you meet, places you visit, problems you face, and solutions you discover.

Stories are all around us, and they’re a powerful way to connect with others.

Why are stories so important?

Stories help us relate to each other. They can make us laugh, cry, think, and even change our minds. A well-told story can inspire us to take action, see things differently, or just feel a little bit better about our day.

In many ways, whoever tells the best story wins. They win our attention, our trust, and sometimes even our hearts.

Imagine you’re at a party, and two people start talking about the same event. One person drones on with dry facts and details. The other spins a tale that pulls you in, making you feel like you were right there with them.

Who do you think everyone will remember? The one with the engaging story, of course!

If you want to stand out, you need to be prepared to tell your story.

Not just any story, but a good one. One that has a happy ending and makes people want to be around you. A story that leaves them with a smile, a new idea, or a sense of wonder.

In this guide, we’ll dive into what makes a story great. We’ll explore how to deliver it well, keep it clear, make it interesting, and ensure it’s believable. We’ll talk about the importance of being persuasive, keeping it short, staying organized, and, most importantly, inspiring your audience.

Ready to become a master storyteller?

Be Prepared to Tell Your Story

Alright, so you know the power of a good story. But how do you make sure your story stands out? The key is preparation. Even the best storytellers spend time getting ready before they share their tales. Here’s how you can do the same:

Make It a Good Story

First things first, your story needs to be good. But what does that mean? A good story is one that has a happy ending. It’s a story that leaves your listeners feeling positive, inspired, or even just entertained. Think about your favorite stories – they often wrap up nicely, leaving you with a sense of satisfaction.

Engage Your Audience

A good story isn’t just about what happens; it’s about how it makes people feel. You want your listeners to be engaged, to lean in, and listen to what you’re saying. When you tell a great story, people want to be with you, to hear more from you, and to connect with you.

To make this happen, you need to be prepared. Think about your key points and the flow of your narrative. Consider the emotions you want to convey and how you can bring your listeners along on your journey.

Know Your Audience

Before you start telling your story, take a moment to think about who you’re talking to. What interests them? What are their values and experiences? Tailor your story to resonate with them. The more your audience can relate to your story, the more engaged they’ll be.

Define the needs of your audience.

Start Telling Stories

The best way to get better at storytelling is to start telling stories. Don’t worry about being perfect. The more you tell stories, the more you’ll learn what works and what doesn’t.

Each time you share a story, you’ll gain more confidence and improve your skills.

Join a Storytelling Club

Consider joining a storytelling club. Being part of a group that focuses on storytelling can provide you with valuable feedback, new ideas, and a supportive environment to practice.

It’s also a great way to hear different styles and techniques that you can incorporate into your storytelling.

Find a Mentor

Look for a mentor who tells great stories. A mentor can offer guidance, share their experiences, and provide insights that you might not have considered. Learning from someone who is skilled in storytelling can accelerate your growth and help you refine your own style.

By being prepared and actively telling stories, you’ll ensure that your stories are not only good but also well-delivered, engaging, and impactful.

So, start telling your stories, join a club, find a mentor, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a master storyteller.

tell good stories

Key Elements of a Good Story

Good stories have elements you can learn and master.


Delivery is everything when it comes to storytelling.

Imagine hearing a great story told in a monotone voice with no enthusiasm – it wouldn’t have the same impact, would it? A well-delivered story captures your audience’s attention from the very beginning. This means speaking clearly, using appropriate gestures, and making eye contact with your listeners.

Think of a time when you were completely captivated by a speaker. Chances are, they used these techniques to draw you in.

Think about how Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone in 2007. He didn’t just list its features; he told a story about how it would change the world, using clear, passionate, and engaging delivery. His excitement was contagious, and it made people believe in the product’s revolutionary potential.

Rule of Thumb: Practice delivering your story out loud before sharing it with an audience. Focus on your tone, pace, and body language. Record yourself and watch the playback, or practice in front of a friend who can give you feedback. The goal is to make your story feel natural and engaging.


Clarity is crucial in storytelling. If your audience can’t follow your story, they’ll quickly lose interest. This means keeping your language simple and your message straightforward.

Avoid jargon or complex vocabulary that might confuse your listeners. Your story should have a clear structure with a beginning, middle, and end, so your audience can easily follow along.

Consider the story of the tortoise and the hare. It’s a simple, clear story with an obvious moral: slow and steady wins the race. The straightforward language and clear sequence of events make it easy for anyone to understand and remember.

Rule of Thumb: Before telling your story, outline the main points you want to cover. Ensure that each part of your story logically follows the previous one. After telling your story, ask someone to repeat it back to you. If they can easily summarize it, you’ve achieved clarity.


Your story should be interesting enough to hold your audience’s attention. This means including vivid descriptions, unexpected twists, and engaging details.

Think about what makes a story interesting to you – it’s often the unique elements that stand out. Adding a personal touch or a surprising fact can make your story more memorable and engaging.

Think of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series. They’re filled with interesting details that captivate readers – from the magical spells and creatures to the intricate plots and character development. Each book leaves readers eager for more, thanks to its rich, imaginative world and compelling storylines.

Rule of Thumb: Identify the most exciting or unique aspect of your story and emphasize it. Use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture in your audience’s mind. Avoid getting bogged down in unnecessary details; focus on what will captivate and intrigue your listeners.


For a story to resonate, it needs to be believable. This doesn’t mean every story has to be true, but it should feel real and plausible to your audience.

Use relatable characters, realistic scenarios, and genuine emotions to make your story credible. If your audience believes your story, they are more likely to be moved and persuaded by it.

Think about the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness,” based on the true story of Chris Gardner. The struggles and triumphs he experiences are portrayed in such a realistic and heartfelt way that viewers can’t help but believe in and root for him.

Rule of Thumb: Ground your story in real experiences or emotions. Even if you’re telling a fictional tale, base it on relatable truths that your audience can connect with. Test your story on a friend or colleague and ask if it feels genuine to them.


A good story often has the power to persuade. Whether you’re trying to convince someone to take action, change their mind, or see things from a new perspective, your story needs to be persuasive. This involves presenting your points convincingly and backing them up with evidence or compelling arguments.

Think of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. Through vivid imagery and heartfelt appeals, he persuaded many to join the civil rights movement and envision a better future.

Rule of Thumb: Know your main message and weave it throughout your story. Use facts, testimonials, or personal anecdotes to support your points. Ensure your passion and conviction come through, as they are key to persuading your audience.

Short Enough

While details are important, brevity is key in storytelling.

A story that’s too long can lose its impact and bore your audience. Aim to be concise, focusing on the essential elements that drive your narrative forward. This keeps your audience engaged and ensures your story remains impactful.

Think of Aesop’s fables. These are short, simple stories that convey powerful lessons. Their brevity makes them easy to remember and retell, ensuring their messages endure over time.

Rule of Thumb: Stick to the main points and avoid unnecessary tangents. If you can tell your story in five minutes instead of ten, do it. Practice summarizing your story in a few sentences to ensure you can get to the heart of it quickly.


An organized story is easy to follow and understand. This means having a clear structure and logical flow.

Start with a strong opening that grabs attention, build through the middle with compelling details, and finish with a memorable conclusion. Good organization helps your audience stay engaged and retain the key points of your story.

Think of how news articles are structured: they start with the most important information (the lead), followed by details in descending order of importance. This organization makes it easy for readers to get the main points quickly.1

Rule of Thumb: Outline your story before you start telling it. Ensure you have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Use transitions to smoothly guide your audience from one part of your story to the next.


An inspiring story has the power to uplift and motivate your audience. It leaves them feeling hopeful, energized, and ready to take action. To inspire others, share stories of overcoming obstacles, achieving goals, or making a positive impact. Highlight the lessons learned and the possibilities for the future.

Oprah Winfrey often shares her personal story of rising from poverty to become a media mogul. Her journey is filled with challenges and triumphs, inspiring many to pursue their dreams despite obstacles.

Rule of Thumb: Focus on the positive outcomes and the potential for growth. Share stories that highlight perseverance, resilience, and success. Encourage your audience to see the possibilities in their own lives through your story.

By focusing on these key elements, you can craft stories that are well-delivered, clear, interesting, believable, persuasive, short enough, organized, and inspiring. Each element enhances your storytelling, making it more impactful and memorable.

good story

Three Exercises to Try This Week

Exercise 1: Tell a Story from Your Day

Each evening, take five minutes to tell a story about something that happened during your day. It doesn’t have to be anything dramatic – even a small event can become a compelling story. Focus on making it clear, interesting, and well-delivered. Pay attention to your audience’s reactions and adjust your storytelling accordingly.

  • Keep it clear and straightforward.
  • Make it interesting with vivid details.
  • Deliver it with enthusiasm and confidence.

Exercise 2: Join a Storytelling Club

Find a local storytelling club or an online group where you can practice telling your stories. Sharing with others in a supportive environment can provide valuable feedback and new perspectives. Plus, you’ll get to hear a variety of storytelling styles, which can inspire and improve your own technique.

  • Be open to feedback and new ideas.
  • Listen to others to learn different storytelling techniques.
  • Practice regularly to build confidence and skill.

Exercise 3: Find a Storytelling Mentor

Seek out someone who tells great stories and ask them to be your mentor. Watch how they craft and deliver their stories, and get their advice on improving your own. A mentor can offer personalized tips and support, helping you to refine your storytelling skills more quickly.

  • Observe and learn from their storytelling style.
  • Get personalized feedback on your stories.
  • Apply their tips and advice to your practice.

Summary of Key Points

  1. Well-Delivered: Practice your delivery to keep your audience engaged.
  2. Clear: Make your story easy to follow with a clear structure.
  3. Interesting: Include vivid details and unique elements to captivate your listeners.
  4. Believable: Ensure your story feels real and relatable.
  5. Persuasive: Use your story to convince and inspire your audience.
  6. Short Enough: Keep your story concise and to the point.
  7. Organized: Structure your story with a logical flow.
  8. Inspiring: Share stories that uplift and motivate your listeners.

Invitation to Explore More

I invite you to read all the other articles on this website to deepen your understanding of storytelling and other related topics.

If you need conversations about storytelling, feel free to contact me. And remember, if you want your employees to improve their public speaking skills, encouraging them to tell good stories can make a big difference. Happy storytelling!

  1. Consider the three-act structure. Here’s a good exercise for you. ↩︎

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