10 Ways to Find Speaking Opportunities

Find speaking opportunities. Or create them. This isn’t just about standing on a stage. It’s about standing out. In a world buzzing with noise, your voice can cut through the din.

You aim to be a key person of influence. Your ideal clients aren’t just out there; they’re seeking your light. Make yourself visible so you can make a greater difference. Speak so you can multiply your usefulness.

Though I do not use all of these strategies, I know of many successful motivational speakers who use one or a combination of these strategies.

Network with Industry Professionals

Networking means connecting with people who share your interests. It’s about building relationships, not just exchanging business cards. Attend industry events, join speaking forums online, and engage in communities where speakers and event organizers gather.

This is your bridge to opportunity. Position yourself where opportunities are likely to arise. Be in the right place at the right time, with the right people. Your next big gig might come from a casual conversation at a conference, or a connection made in an online group.

Start by identifying key events and online platforms where industry professionals gather. Make a plan to attend these events. When you’re there, be genuine. Ask questions, listen, and share your passion. Follow up with the people you meet in a meaningful way.

Effective networking is about giving as much as it is about receiving. Offer value, be helpful, and your network will grow along with your reputation.

Utilize Social Media Platforms

Social media is a powerful platform for building your brand. Use platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to showcase your expertise, share your insights, and connect with your audience.

Your presence on social media can open doors to speaking opportunities you might not find elsewhere. It’s where event organizers, companies, and potential clients are actively looking for voices like yours. Share valuable content, engage with your followers, and showcase your speaking skills. Become more than a speaker; become a thought leader in your niche.

Begin by choosing the right platforms for your audience. Create content that resonates with your followers – think short videos, insightful posts, or live Q&A sessions. Engage with your audience regularly. Respond to comments, participate in relevant conversations, and be consistent with your online presence.

Remember, social media is about building relationships, so focus on being authentic and accessible. This approach will not only attract followers but also potential speaking opportunities.

Collaborate with Other Speakers

Collaboration involves partnering with fellow speakers, either in joint events or through shared content. It’s about combining strengths to create greater value for your audience.

Reach out to speakers whose work complements yours, and explore possibilities for collaboration, such as co-hosting webinars, panel discussions, or even co-authoring articles or books.

This is a strategy that multiplies your reach. By collaborating with other speakers, you gain access to their audiences, and they to yours. It positions you as a team player in the industry and broadens your network. These collaborations often catch the eye of event organizers and media, leading to more speaking opportunities.

Start by identifying speakers whose audience and message align with yours. Engage with their content, and establish a connection.

Propose a collaboration that offers mutual benefit, be it a joint virtual event, a podcast episode, or a co-written publication. Ensure that the collaboration is based on mutual respect and a shared goal to provide value.

The key is not just to expand your network, but to enrich your offerings to your audience.

Offer Free Workshops or Seminars

Offer free workshops or seminars, either in-person or online. These sessions are a platform to showcase your expertise and connect with potential clients. They are also a chance to practice and refine your speaking skills. Many speakers started this way.

By offering something valuable for free, you demonstrate your knowledge and commitment to your audience. It’s a powerful way to build trust and establish credibility. Participants in these sessions can become your advocates, spreading the word about your skills and message.

This approach can lead to paid speaking engagements as you become recognized for your expertise and ability to engage an audience. It is also one way of finding the early members of your 1000 fans.

Start planning your workshop or seminar. Decide on a topic that resonates with your target audience and showcases your unique perspective. Promote your event through your social media channels, email lists, and local community boards. Make sure the content is engaging and provides real value.

After the event, follow up with attendees, ask for feedback, and invite them to connect with you on social media or subscribe to your newsletter. This way, you’re not just hosting an event; you’re building a community around your brand.

Engaging with Local Community Groups

Engage with local community groups, clubs, and organizations. These groups often seek speakers for their events, meetings, or workshops. Offer to speak at their gatherings, providing insights and inspiration relevant to their members.

Local groups offer a unique opportunity to connect with an audience face-to-face. They can be the starting point for word-of-mouth recommendations. Speaking at these smaller, more intimate gatherings allows you to hone your skills, receive direct feedback, and build a local network. It’s a grassroots approach that can lead to larger opportunities as you become known in your community.

Identify local groups that align with your message and audience. These could be business associations, educational institutions, non-profit organizations, or special interest clubs. Reach out to them, offering to speak at their events.

Tailor your talk to their specific interests and needs.

After your presentation, engage with attendees, exchange contact information, and ask for referrals.

Remember, community engagement is about building relationships and contributing value, so approach each opportunity with a genuine desire to make a positive impact.

Writing and Publishing Relevant Content

Writing and publishing relevant content means creating articles, blogs, or even books that reflect your expertise and insights as a motivational speaker. This content should provide value to your audience and establish you as a thought leader in your field.

Publishing quality content is a powerful way to reach a wider audience. It showcases your knowledge and communicates your perspective to potential clients and event organizers.

By sharing your ideas and experiences, you build credibility and trust, making you a more attractive candidate for speaking opportunities. Moreover, your content can open doors to new platforms, like guest blogging spots or features in industry publications.

Start by identifying the topics you are passionate about and that resonate with your target audience. Create a content calendar to regularly publish your thoughts and insights.

Use platforms like LinkedIn, Medium, or your personal blog to share your content. Engage with your readers through comments and messages to build a community around your ideas.

Consider reaching out to online magazines or blogs for guest writing opportunities. Remember, consistency and quality are crucial in establishing your voice in the crowded digital space.

Participating in Podcasts and Webinars

Participate in podcasts and webinars relevant to your niche. These digital platforms allow you to reach a broader audience and share your message in an engaging, interactive format. Look for opportunities to be a guest on podcasts or to host or co-host webinars.

Engaging in podcasts and webinars positions you as an expert in your field. It’s a way to connect with listeners and viewers beyond your immediate network. These platforms offer the chance to discuss your ideas in depth, showcase your speaking style, and build relationships with other experts and influencers.

This exposure can lead to invitations for speaking engagements as you become a recognized voice in your industry.

Research podcasts and webinars that align with your expertise and audience. Reach out to the hosts or organizers with a compelling pitch about what you can bring to their audience.

Prepare thoroughly for each appearance, focusing on delivering value and engaging content. After participating, promote the episode through your social media channels and network to maximize its reach.

Consider starting your own webinar series or podcast to regularly connect with your audience and solidify your position as a thought leader.

Creating a Compelling Speaker Profile

Creating a compelling speaker profile involves crafting a detailed and engaging biography that highlights your unique strengths, experiences, and speaking topics. This profile should be available on your website, professional social media pages, and speaker directories.

Your speaker profile is often the first impression potential clients and event organizers have of you. A well-crafted profile makes you stand out and effectively communicates your value proposition. It should showcase your expertise, past speaking engagements, and what makes your approach unique. This clarity helps those looking for speakers to quickly understand who you are and why you’re the right fit for their event.

Start by defining your key messages and unique selling points. Include testimonials from past engagements, links to your talks or workshops, and a professional photo. Update your profile regularly to reflect your latest achievements and experiences. Distribute your profile across various platforms where event organizers might seek speakers, such as professional networking sites, speaker bureaus, and your own website.

Remember, your profile isn’t just a resume; it’s a tool to build your brand and attract speaking opportunities.

Attending Conferences and Industry Events

Attending conferences and industry events is about being present where your audience and potential clients gather. These events are opportunities to network, learn about the latest trends, and, importantly, to be seen and heard. They can include industry-specific conferences, workshops, and seminars.

Being physically present at these events puts you in direct contact with event organizers, fellow speakers, and potential clients. It’s a chance to showcase your expertise not just through formal speaking but also through casual conversations and panel discussions. Your active participation in these settings signals your commitment and enthusiasm for your field. Often, the connections made here lead to invitations for speaking engagements.

Research and identify key events in your industry that align with your expertise and audience. Plan to attend these events with specific goals in mind, like meeting certain individuals or learning about specific topics.

Prepare an ‘elevator pitch’ about your speaking services and how you can add value to future events. Engage actively in discussions, offer insightful comments during Q&A sessions, and don’t hesitate to introduce yourself.

Follow up with the connections you make, offering to continue conversations or send them additional information about your speaking services.

Your goal is to leave a lasting impression that opens the door to future speaking opportunities.

Direct Outreach to Organizations and Event Planners

Direct outreach involves proactively contacting organizations, businesses, and event planners to offer your speaking services. This includes crafting and sending personalized emails or messages, making phone calls, or even arranging face-to-face meetings to discuss potential speaking opportunities.

This approach puts you in the driver’s seat of your speaking career. Instead of waiting for opportunities to come to you, you’re actively seeking them out. By reaching out directly, you can target specific events and organizations that align with your expertise and audience. It demonstrates your initiative and professionalism, and it allows you to tailor your pitch to the specific needs and interests of the organization or event.

Begin by researching organizations and events that fit your niche and speaking style. Create a list of potential contacts, including event coordinators and human resources professionals.

Craft a compelling pitch that highlights your unique value as a speaker and how you can contribute to their event or organization. Personalize each outreach effort to show that you’ve done your homework about their specific needs and goals. Follow up respectfully if you don’t hear back.

Persistence is key, but it should always be balanced with professionalism and respect for the potential client’s time and needs.


Now you have a roadmap of ten actionable ways to find speaking opportunities and position yourself as a key person of influence.

The journey of a motivational speaker is not just about the destinations you reach but also about the connections you make and the value you provide along the way. Use these strategies to build your brand, engage with your audience, and create a lasting impact.

Your voice has the power to inspire change, spark creativity, and motivate others. Embrace these opportunities, and let your journey as a motivational speaker begin.

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