Choose your attitude and take positive action. Your attitude will direct you in any direction. It can bring you up; it can bring you down.
Your attitude can show you a road to happiness or despair.
Your action, on the other hand, will bring you faster to where your attitude directs you. With the right attitude and positive action, you can create the life that you really care about.
A terrible place to live.
Some cry out against our society. Everything is terrible about Filipinos and the Philippines. It is a terrible place to live.
Many think Filipinos are stupid people because they voted corrupt leaders into office.
They claimed that their bosses do not know how to lead.
They think their co-workers are lazy and incompetent. I cannot blame them. Some examples support their attitude.
But most of them lead unhappy and unfulfilled lives.
Or a friendly place.
But listen long enough, and you will meet those who have nice words about people.
They see those who do good deeds.
They talked about taxi drivers who returned their monies.
They push kariton klasrum to educate those who have never seen a school classroom.
They send “deserving’ kids to school through small donations.
Choose your attitude.
You will also discover that these people are active, friendly, and happy.
They do their hard work daily and always find time to be with their families and friends. They see places and meet people.
You see these different kinds of people every day. They live in the same community and work in the same company but differ in attitude.
Choose your attitude.
I do not encourage people to “think positive” as a cure-all action. To choose your attitude is to recognize your situation.
One cannot magically make things OK by thinking positively.
Tragedy happens to all of us.
Poverty is around us.
Corruption in the government seems to be beyond repair.
We don’t want them all.
Though I cannot think positively about the things I mentioned, I know I can choose my attitude.
I can see myself as a victim, a survivor, or a problem-solver. My attitude will determine my actions.
I am not a victim. I do not aim to survive. Instead, I choose to make a difference.
For this reason, I study.
And as a speaker, I inspire people to step up and do something.
As a trainer, I equip and enable leaders.
Finally, as an author, I inform, educate, and challenge people to move from the present situation to where they want to go.
I am a serial entrepreneur. That means that I started many businesses. Most of them failed.
So, one can say that a serial entrepreneur is somebody who keeps starting but never succeeding. That’s one attitude.
But the other attitude is the one that I have. I am in constant search of a business that helps people. I am working on start-ups that will grow and scale.
At the same time, I am also helping other small business owners market their services.
I choose my attitude.

Let me illustrate this a bit more.
Take Positive Action
Today, I can choose a wait-and-see attitude.
That means I can choose to watch Netflix the whole morning, then check my emails to find out if there are inquiries for leadership training.
That sounds absurd, I know.
But I was like that in April 2020, during the second month of community quarantine in the Philippines. And many freelancers are like that throughout the year. I call this the raket mentality too.
Or I can choose to be a go-getter.
I can pick up the phone and call people to offer my services. All I need is the courage to tell people I exist and have something to offer.
I can contact 10 or 20 clients today and will likely get a client if I do it for the next three days.
Or I can choose to be a go-giver.
I can write a step-by-step guide to create a personal development plan (I’ve done that already, obviously). Then, I can tell 500 hundred people about it – and if 50 people get to read my email, then I am contributing, not just selling, to my clients.
I have more than three options.
I can combine one or two options to make another one. But what’s important is I choose my attitude before I choose the action I must take.
My attitude determines my actions.
Embrace a growth mindset.
My dear readers, you must have often heard me explore the power of a growth mindset.
A growth mindset helps me choose my attitude.
A growth mindset gives me the courage to become a beginner again. I may market myself as an expert, but I am always learning. I learned from my successes. I learned more from my failure.
My life is an adventure to the great experiences unknown to me until I stepped out of my comfort zone. We say we fail when we don’t get what we expect.
But many of us do not know the appearance of greatness.
We do not even know when we are already there or almost there.
So, we keep looking at where we came from. I look forward to more often.
We can grow from our mistakes. So don’t be afraid of making mistakes. It is part of growing. Most mistakes we’ll make won’t harm people.
I am not saying that we should be careless about things. No, we’ve got to be careful with our choices. That’s why I have shown you first that we have many options.
We can choose not to do anything. That’s also a choice.
We can choose to start small. We can choose to start big.
We can choose to do things alone. And we can choose to do it with others.
We only need to remember that our attitude determines our actions.
So, examine your attitude first before you do anything today. Then, choose the attitude that will bring you awesome happiness and success.
- You have to make many choices each day. But before you choose to do anything, you must examine your attitude.
- Choosing your attitude is not the same as positive thinking. Instead, it is about knowing what you can do in various situations.
- Your attitude is influenced by your mindset. I embrace a growth mindset. You can too.
I encourage you to read further to get further. The following articles may encourage and inspire you to make more wonderful steps today.
Recommended Articles:
I recommend that you consider reading the following articles too.
You can also explore the training programs I offer to leaders. You can use the contact form below or explore the training programs I offer to companies in the Philippines.
One more thing.
This is an old post that contains less than 200 words. Previously, I titled this Choose Your Attitude & Have a Good Life.
But I realized that though I have given examples of how people choose their attitude, I have not given mine. I also felt that it was necessary to tell you how embracing a growth mindset helped me.
Choosing your attitude is a good start. But what kind of attitude must you choose?
I choose a beginner’s mind. I choose to be a go-giver. I choose to own problems and do something about them. I choose to be a player, not just a fan.
Choose your attitude.