Good leaders encourage the heart. They want people to have the courage and confidence to do what they’ve not done before. Encouraging the heart goes beyond motivation. It also requires helping people surmount their fears and embrace uncertainties.
Encourage the Heart
Leaders inspire a shared vision and challenge the process. We already talk about that. These require employees to do something that they’ve not done before.
A few people get excited about doing something new. But most people are afraid to start something they are not sure about. So, leaders need to encourage the heart.
You can do this, I promise.
Recognize team members to go the extra mile.
Encourage team members to go beyond what they’ve always done.
You must have heard others say that we must get out of our comfort zone. That’s right. But really, our intention is not just to be out of our comfort zone. We want to expand our comfort zone. We want the unfamiliar to become familiar.
That’s why we train, coach, and mentor leaders, so they gain familiarity even before you ask them to do something.
Every time a team member goes out of their comfort zone, do something new and be the first to recognize them.
You don’t have to wait for months to do this. Instead, catch people doing something good and, when necessary, tell the world about it.
Great leadership isn’t an event—it’s a habit. Get actionable leadership habits every Monday and Thursday.
Celebrate victories and values.
We talk about celebrating small wins. We do that to encourage people to keep moving. If you have seen those kids (and adults) who run after little monsters to play Pokemon Go, you see the power of small wins.
You celebrate the big wins too. And let the big wins show people what you value most in your organization.
I said that leaders must model the way. And I also told you that employees must model the way too.
Celebrate those who are modeling the way. Affirm what people are doing good, and they’ll keep doing it.
Leaders encourage the heart – and you can do that each day.
The place to improve the world is first in one’s own heart, and head, and hands.
Robert M. Pirsig
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