Your Leadership Model Is Critical to Your Success
A leadership model is like a container that gurus used to explain abstract concepts like leadership, passion, and values.
Your Leadership Model Is Critical to Your Success Read More »
Are you struggling to keep your team inspired? Every Monday, get one powerful idea to transform how you lead.
No fluff. Just actionable strategies that work.
Most leaders don’t lead—they manage. They play it safe, follow the handbook, and hope their teams deliver. Guess what? That’s not leadership; that’s survival.
If you want 10x results, you need to flip the script. Real leaders don’t settle—they disrupt, inspire, and own the game. Ready to stop playing small and start leading like it matters? Let’s dive in.
Cut the fluff. Command respect. Inspire action.
A leadership model is like a container that gurus used to explain abstract concepts like leadership, passion, and values.
Your Leadership Model Is Critical to Your Success Read More »
Strategic thinkers are valuable assets of an organization. They can see beyond the day-to-day tactical activities. They can adapt to many situations, especially in times of crisis.
One way to understand what it means to lead others is to listen to what leaders say. Discover many definitions from the following leaders.
Leadership training is an investment and is the primary job of any leader. To grow your organization, leaders must be mindful of growing leaders.
Encouraging a “Think Big, Play Bigger” mindset can lead to innovative ideas, creative problem-solving, and a more positive work environment.
The qualities of good leaders attract people and influence how they lead. Many leaders have characteristics or traits they grew up with.
Leadership capability refers to how a leader uses his skills and abilities to get things done. Even a very skillful leader may fail to lead when a situation is beyond his or her capabilities. The Mayor Who Became President Let me give you an example
Volunteering is a form of participative leadership. When you volunteer, you create opportunities for change. You work with like-minded individuals to achieve your shared vision. Volunteer When you volunteer, you are building your personal power. You demonstrate to people your passion and commitment. You show
Before he became President, Duterte was a city mayor for more than two decades. The whole family Duterte governs Davao City, and they tend to think that they can control the entire country.
There are many excuses why people can’t lead. And there are more ways to become a leader. “I cannot lead because I am too young”. You can start learning how to become a leader as early as first grade. How old are you now? When
Be the Power of One The Power of One is not only an inspiring movie or a great song. It speaks of what one person can do to initiate and lead change. I don’t have to wait until others are ready. I don’t have to
Personal leadership starts with your vision, mission, and values. You can increase your speed when you know your direction. You cannot skip this part. Leadership begins with you. To create a breakthrough, you need to think long-term. Though we want immediate for our actions, we
Vision, Mission, & Values: Setting Strategic Directions Read More »
Because of a growth mindset, leaders are not afraid to initiate change, take risks, experiment, and make mistakes. They find ways.
Growth Mindset versus Fixed Mindset: Examples & Steps Read More »
Leaders encourage the heart. They want people to have the courage and confidence to do what they’ve not done before.