The GROW Model for Teams: A Webinar for Coaching Leaders

The GROW Model will multiply the positive benefits of your team-building programs. This webinar will help you turn managers into coaching leaders.

Back in 2007, when I started leading team building sessions, I relied on the usual suspects: Trust Falls, Toxic River, and other popular games I found through a quick Google search. These activities were fun but somewhat superficial.

In 2008, I began to question the traditional approach to team building in the Philippines. Team building should be more than just a day of activities; it’s about setting the foundation for a team to achieve its goals. Why wasn’t this seen as part of a broader team development program?

I realized these events should be transformative, boosting team performance, productivity, and their ability to impress customers. It’s about creating lasting value, not just a day of fun. Coaching is the logical next step.

Coaching After Team Building

Think about a time your team did a fun workshop. Everyone leaves happy and full of ideas. But what happens a week later? Often, all that new excitement just disappears. That’s where coaching comes in—it helps make those good ideas stick around for good.

Coaching is the secret sauce that keeps the lessons from team building alive. It’s not just a quick chat. It’s deep learning that gets right into how we work every day. It makes sure that the stuff everyone just learned doesn’t get forgotten once they’re back at their desks.

After a team does a workshop plus coaching, things really start to change. Employees don’t just go back to the same old way of doing things. They use what they learng to do their jobs better. They solve problems better because they keep practicing what the workshop taught them.

This means a team that doesn’t just feel better for a few days but actually works better and gets along better long after the workshop is over.

So, by adding coaching after training, you’re not just having fun in workshops. You’re making sure your team grows stronger and smarter. This is how you build a team that keeps getting better all the time.

The Coaching Leaders

A special kind of leader, called a coaching leader, plays a big role in making teams strong and successful.

Imagine you have a coach in sports who helps you get better at playing. In the workplace, a coaching leader helps their team members grow and improve at their jobs.

When a team has a coaching leader, it’s like having a guide who supports everyone to do their best work. After a team building workshop, these leaders do follow-throughs.

They don’t just let the lessons from the workshop fade away. Instead, they sit down with each team member a few days later to talk about how they can use what they learned.

Let’s say there’s a team in an office that just did a workshop on teamwork. They learned how to communicate better and trust each other more. A good coaching leader would follow up after the workshop. They might have one-on-one meetings with each person to hear how they feel about the workshop. They would help them figure out how to use those new skills in their daily work.

The best part? When leaders coach like this, teams get stronger. People feel more confident because they know their leader cares about their growth. They also know they can go to their leader for help when they need it. This makes the whole team work better together and achieve more of their goals.

So, having leaders who coach is like having someone who cheers you on and helps you get better every day. It’s not just about work—it’s about growing together and making your team the best it can be.

coaching leaders

Unleashing Potential with the GROW Model

Now, let’s dive into something powerful—the GROW Model. This isn’t just any coaching framework. It’s a clear, practical tool that lights a fire under what we’ve already started.

GROW stands for Goal, Reality, Options, and Will. Each part builds on the last, forming a path that anyone can follow from “I want to” to “I did.” It starts with a goal. Not just any goal, but a real target that everyone on your team wants to hit.

Then, we get real. We look around and see where we actually stand—what’s holding us back, what’s pushing us forward. It’s about knowing your battleground. This reality check helps us plan our next moves wisely.

Options come next. This is where creativity kicks in. We brainstorm, we think outside the box, we find different ways to tackle our challenges. It’s a thrilling part of the journey where all ideas are welcome, and the best ones shine.

Finally, Will—this is about commitment. It’s one thing to have a plan; it’s another to follow through. This part of the model makes sure we’re not just talkers but doers.

Using the GROW Model, coaching becomes more than just a follow-up—it’s a catalyst for lasting change. It helps everyone not just meet but exceed their goals. This is how we turn potential into performance, ideas into action.

Ready to see how it can change your team? Let’s put the GROW Model into action and watch your team transform.

A Webinar to Understand the GROW Model

Get ready to roll up your sleeves because we’re diving deep into coaching with a hands-on 120-minute session on Zoom. This isn’t your average webinar; it’s a workshop where you’ll learn by doing, seeing, and asking.

The goal? To show you exactly how to lead a coaching session that sticks. We’re not just talking theory here; you’ll see real-life applications that turn team-building fun into long-lasting growth. You’ll leave not just with knowledge but with the confidence to use it.

In this session, I’ll walk you through the whole process. We’ll start with the basics of setting up your coaching environment. It’s crucial to get this right—to make everyone feel comfortable and open to sharing.

Then, we’ll jump into the core of the GROW Model. I’ll demonstrate live, with a volunteer, how to guide a coaching conversation. You’ll see firsthand how to ask the right questions and how to listen—really listen—to the answers.

Speaking of questions, you’ll get a cheat sheet of guide questions to use in your sessions. These aren’t just any questions; they’re crafted to dig deep, challenge your team, and drive home the lessons from your team-building activities.

We’ll also tackle common challenges you might face and how to handle them. From dealing with resistance to encouraging quiet team members to speak up, you’ll learn how to manage a dynamic group effectively.

By the end of this session, you’ll not only understand the GROW Model but also how to apply it to keep your team’s momentum going after any team-building event. You’ll be equipped, empowered, and eager to turn every workshop into a stepping stone for success.

So, are you ready to become a master of coaching? Join us, and let’s turn potential into performance together.

Leaders who play their A-Game daily elevate the entire team. They focus on high-impact tasks and lead by example.

Develop leaders like this, and your organization will thrive.

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