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What is leadership?

The journey of leadership isn’t always a straight path. It’s filled with twists, turns, and unexpected challenges. But guess what? That’s what makes a leader stand out! 

Explore leadership and learn how embracing the unknown can be your superpower.

Understanding Leadership

A journey to a thousand miles begins with a single step. I will encourage you to take your first step. Understand what leadership is and why people are afraid to lead.

What’s Leadership Anyway?

Think of leadership as guiding a group of friends on a hike. It’s not about being the boss and shouting orders. It’s about making sure everyone’s safe, heading in the right direction, and having a good time. Many people think a title like “manager” automatically makes them a leader. 

But real leadership is about helping and inspiring others.

You can be a leader without a title. Of course, being a boss gives you the legitimate power to lead. So, make the most of your title. Encourage, inspire, and enable people.

But don’t wait for the title. You can lead without it. And that’s because leadership is influence.

And this is something that most people don’t know. They chose to be silent. They opt to wait and see. They resist leading.

Facing the Unknown

All leaders experience moments of uncertainty about what to do next.” These moments of uncertainty can feel like standing at a crossroads without a map.

Most of us feel that we are not ready. We felt like impostors, and we know people will soon find out. But who among us knows the future? Everyone is a beginner. 

Every leader begins the first step. The first step is never confident. The first step is always the step of the afraid.

Our brain often tells us to be wary of unfamiliar situations, making the idea of leading a little scary for many.

How Doubt Can Hold You Back

The older I get, the more regrets I have. Most of my regrets are from the things I did not do. Perhaps, because I was afraid and unsure. I procrastinated. I made excuses. 

But looking back, I know I missed many opportunities.

It is healthy to have the right dose of doubt. Doubt keep us safe. But there are times, we need to run away from safety so we can create blaze a trail.

When Doubt Creeps In

Have you ever been so unsure about choosing an ice cream flavor that you end up not getting any? That’s how doubt can make leaders feel—stuck! Brave leaders who conquer doubt achieve amazing things like explorers discovering new territories.

Feeling Like a Pretender

New leaders often feel like they’ve been given a microphone on a big stage without knowing the song. 

This feeling of “Am I good enough?” is common and is called the impostor syndrome.

Becoming a Chameleon

The best leaders are like chameleons. They adapt! They change strategies when needed and are always ready to learn. Think about what would happen if your favorite superhero couldn’t handle new challenges. They wouldn’t be super anymore, right?

Making Uncertainty Your Best Friend

A courageous leader is not without fear. Our brains want certainty and it makes us avoid the unknown. So, if you are experiencing this, trust that you are not alone. 

We cannot know everything. But often, what we know is enough to make change happen. We often size up ourselves based on who we are today. But trust that we will become better as we gain experience.

We will grow. We will learn from our mistakes. 

Silver Linings

Instead of fearing the unknown, what if we saw it as an exciting mystery? Like a new book or movie, we’re curious about. Embracing uncertainty can be the start of a fantastic adventure.

Tips to Dance with Uncertainty:

  1. Keep learning. It’s like adding tools to your backpack. The more you know, the more you can handle.
  2. Listen to different views. Just as every movie has many characters, listening to diverse opinions can give you a full story.
  3. Embrace your mistakes. Everyone trips and falls sometimes. What’s important is getting back up, brushing off the dust, and learning from it.

Stepping into leadership is like starting a new adventure. With the right attitude, any professional can overcome challenges and uncertainties to become a good leader.

The Leadership Confidence Code

In every good story, the main character faces personal struggles. Leadership is the same way. Even successful leaders doubt themselves, despite their accomplishments being visible to others. But here’s the twist: many use it as their secret weapon. 

Unmasking Self-Doubt in Leadership

I was in high school when learned how to lead others. I often hear students say that they admire my confidence. They did not know that every chance to speak in front of others was a struggle. 

I knew that I had some valuable ideas to offer. But know also that others doubt my competence. 

I was a student leader when I was in college. I spoke in Tagalog most of the time. Many thought that it was because I was nationalistic. They did not know that I was not confident speaking in English.

I felt I was not good enough. I carried this experience with me as a teacher, speaker, and entrepreneur.

Leaders may ask themselves, “Am I good enough?” as they make important decisions and give inspiring speeches.” Let us explore leadership’s hidden side and the well-known “impostor syndrome.”

Despite its silence, self-doubt is a frequent visitor in leadership corridors. From start-up founders to CEOs of conglomerates, this unwelcome guest persists.

Impostor Syndrome

That lurking feeling of being a sham, despite evident success? That’s impostor syndrome for you. In 1978, psychologists Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes created a term. They discovered that lots of successful individuals didn’t have confidence in themselves. They believed that luck or trickery had a part to play.

Even the stars aren’t exempt. Celebrities like Emma Watson and Tom Hanks have talked about feeling unworthy, even though they’ve achieved a lot.

The Double-Edged Sword of Doubt

While a sprinkle of doubt might lead to introspection, when does it become toxic? Let’s explore the ripple effects of persistent self-doubt and its doppelganger, authentic self-assuredness.

The Cost of Impostor Syndrome

Beyond personal anguish, impostor syndrome can stifle innovation and breed indecision. Leaders might hesitate to voice opinions, fearing exposure, leading to missed opportunities. Over time, people might avoid challenging projects, which stops personal and organizational growth.

Contrasting with Authenticity

Leaders who truly show confidence inspire trust, promote innovation, and strengthen others’ resilience. Satya Nadella led Microsoft with a clear vision and transformed the organization confidently.

Turning Doubt into Stepping Stones

Here’s where the magic unfolds. Doubts can be overwhelming, but they can help us grow if we handle them properly.

Redefining Doubt

Instead of seeing self-doubt as an enemy, think of it as a compass. The compass shows you where you can grow. It can help you reflect and find ways to grow personally and professionally.

Building Authentic Self-Confidence:

  1. Self-awareness: Dive deep within. Recognize your strengths, but also embrace weaknesses. This holistic view forms the bedrock of genuine confidence.
  2. Mentorship: Lean on mentors. Their collective experiences can provide comfort, and new viewpoints, and reduce impostor syndrome.
  3. Cherish Small Wins: Every little success is a brick in the fortress of confidence. Celebrate them, and let them anchor your belief in your capabilities.

Howard Schultz, the driving force behind Starbucks, didn’t have a smooth journey. He faced challenges but kept his vision. Mentors inspired him and small wins brought motivation. Today, he stands as a testament to authentic leadership, powered by genuine self-confidence.

Leaders, much like everyone, grapple with the specters of doubt and impostor feelings. A positive attitude towards personal growth and challenges can inspire leadership development.

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