The next time you promote someone to leadership, find creative people. Make it your criterion number 1. Though you can “train” people to be creative, it takes time.

Find people who have creative habits.  And if you cannot find them, get them from outside.

The world is changing fast. You will be left behind if you will keep on doing the same things again and again.

You need leaders who will be ahead of what’s possible. You need people who can think of products and services customers need but can’t find anywhere.

When you need more ideas on how to grow creative leaders, I have some more suggestions I can share with you.  So reach out as soon as you can.

And I am pretty sure that you can also get help from successful social entrepreneurs.  These people used innovation to find ways to change the world.

You ought to change the world too. This is your mission.

Continue to Think Different and Play Bigger

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