The Dark Side of Diskarte

Let’s talk about the flip side of diskarte—the side people don’t always want to admit. Because, yes, while diskarte is the ability to think on your feet and find creative solutions, in the Filipino context, it can also mean something less admirable: mapalamang sa kapwa.

Take the classic case of traffic in Metro Manila. Every Filipino driver knows that moment when traffic grinds to a halt, and suddenly, the “kamote” drivers appear—those who counterflow, cut through lanes, and force their way ahead. In their minds, it’s diskarte. They’re getting ahead. But really, it’s selfish. It’s causing chaos for everyone else on the road.

Or what about that tricycle driver who sizes you up the moment you ask for a ride? You’re new to the area, and he’s already thinking how to overcharge you. I remember being in SM Calamba years ago, and a tricycle driver asked where I was headed. I said Dona Jovita, and he confidently asked for 200 pesos because it was “too far.” Later, I learned that a jeepney ride would’ve cost me only 10 pesos. That wasn’t diskarte—that was a hustle.

We see this all the time. People taking shortcuts, thinking they’re being clever, but they’re really just hustling others. Take some social media influencers, for example—those who preach about becoming millionaires while selling courses to get people to enroll. Their version of diskarte is convincing you they have the secret to success. But look closer, and you’ll see that many of them aren’t living the life they’re selling. They’re not millionaires—they’re just good at selling the idea of being one.

In these cases, diskarte becomes less about solving problems and more about taking advantage of people. And while that might get you ahead for a little while, it doesn’t last. In the long run, you lose trust, you lose respect, and you lose the very essence of what diskarte is supposed to be about—finding solutions without stepping on others.

We need to be careful not to glorify the wrong kind of diskarte. Real diskarte doesn’t leave others in the dust. It’s about rising together, not at the expense of others.

So, next time you hear someone talk about diskarte, ask yourself—is this the kind that lifts everyone up? Or is it the kind that only gets you ahead by dragging others down?

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