80/20 Time Management Habit

80/20 Time Management Habit is a specialized training program for leaders. You will learn how to make the most of your time. Design your activities to create meaningful, productive, and remarkable days.

Many time management seminars provide you with tactics that can help you do more for less time. Doing more of unimportant things makes you a machine, a slave to tasks.

Successful leaders understand that time management is not about doing more but playing bigger. The goal is to work on the very few that give the highest and the best results.

This is not traditional time management training.

The last time management seminar I attended was a waste of time.

Sad but true.

The problem is not in the intention. The problem is the traditional mindset about time management. The measures of success are on your ability to do more, add more hours to your work life, efficient use of to-do lists and whatever productivity apps in the market.

I should know. I have tried many productivity tools too. I even tried bullet journaling for a month and Pomodoro from time to time.

Many important principles are included in many time management training programs. But the most important things you need to know are hidden in the mixed bag of time management strategies and techniques.

Sometimes, time management training is akin to drinking water from a fireman’s hose.

This is Time Management for Extraordinary Results

The workshop Time Management for Busy Professional provides you a personal formula for getting what you want and achieving extraordinary results.

Through interactive activities and tools, you will learn the productivity and personal improvement lessons.

You will apply tools that successful individuals use to continually experience breakthroughs in all areas of their lives.

When you join this time management training, you will learn

  • The first action that will help you knock over the other dominoes in your life
  • How to focus your activities on the top 20% that will give you 80% of your results
  • A powerful “Focusing Question” that will help you stay on track with your motivational tasks and action steps
  • The six lies that rob you of your productivity, beat up your clarity, and keep you from accomplishing the things that matter.
  • How to overcome procrastination.
  • How to complete planning tools to keep you on track with your goals
  • How to time block your week for maximum productivity and effectiveness

As you can see, this isn’t your typical time management training program.

You cannot add more time to your life.

You don’t need to do everything you could do.

You only need to work on that one thing in every aspect of your life that will give you extraordinary results.


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