Organizational Agility Assessment

How Agile Is Your Organization?

The ability to sense change, decide quickly, and adapt with speed is what separates thriving organizations from struggling ones.

But how agile is your organization, really?

This Organizational Agility Assessment will give you a clear, objective view of where your company stands. It will highlight strengths to build on and areas that need improvement.

Instead of a traditional rating scale, we’ve simplified this assessment to a Yes or No format so you can quickly identify where your organization is excelling—and where it needs to focus.

How It Works:

  • Answer Yes or No to each statement based on your organization’s current reality.
  • The statements are grouped into five critical areas of agility:
    Sensing Capabilities – Can you spot risks and opportunities before they happen?
    Decision-Making Agility – Can you make fast, high-quality decisions without red tape?
    Resource Fluidity – Can you move people, budgets, and tools quickly to where they’re needed most?
    Leadership Effectiveness – Do leaders set the tone for adaptability and innovation?
    Employee Engagement – Are employees actively involved in driving agility and change?

What You’ll Get:

✔ A clear picture of where your organization is agile—and where it’s getting stuck.
✔ A diagnostic tool to guide leadership discussions and strategic planning.
✔ A foundation for creating an Agility Action Plan to drive meaningful change.

Ready? Let’s begin. Answer honestly—this is about getting the insights you need to move forward. 🚀

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