I’ve often heard Filipinos say that we deserve the leaders we elected to office. I want better leaders too. And nobody deserves an ineffective leader.
But make no mistake. I am not blaming our leaders. They have their faults, but they do not deserve all the blame.
We can have a progressive and disciplined community. There is a better alternative to wishing and blaming.
Invest in the future strength and sustainability of our communities through capacity building. Every leader in every community needs our help. We can work together to improve the ability of every barangay, town, or city to fulfill its mission through sound management, good governance, and commitment to making positive change happen.
Without capacity building, community leaders risk focusing all their efforts and energy on providing social services and expanding projects. They do same-same programs that do not inspire ownership and have zero sustainable impact.
With capacity building, leaders maintain focus and find ways to make the community vision real. They are strategic, inclusive, creative, and adaptive.